Prieteniile, intre baieti, cica dureaza.Nu exista intrigi,interese si altele.
Dar...a specificat cineva ceva de...fete?!
In cazul asta, vin eu, si va povestesc cate ceva.
X,Y,W si Z sunt in aceeasi gasca, se inteleg bine.
Z crede ca X vrea sa fie cu ea, iar intr-o discutie oarecare cu Y, ii spune ceea ce intuieste.Afland acest lucru, Y se "combina" cu Z,lasandu-l pe X cu "buza umflata".Acesta nu spune nimic, pe motiv ca "primul sosit, primul servit"(intr-o oarecare masura).
Situatia se repeta si a doua oara, cu W.Iar X nu zice nimic...deh, prieteni la catarama.
Mie imi este nespus de greu sa numesc acest "lucru" "prietenie".Poate doar fatarnicie.
Imi pare rau ca.. X primeste "palme" de la cei ce-i considera prieteni..Dar sper ca in urma la cele intamplate, sa realizeze ca nu toti ii sunt alaturi, indiferent daca este vorba de ambitie, fete sau..alte lucruri...
3 comentarii:
I'm astonished...that's one of the worst scenario ever and the possibility of that to happen is like a lightning to hit a monkey in a forest....i don't say that guys have unbreakable's how you deal with the problems in a girls SUCK at this (no offense taken i hope^^ ) when you have a fight you don't speak to each other and the next thing you do is GOSSIP( know it's true)and your fights take like weeks or more ..we prefer to the the barbarian path(i like calling it that^^) some cases we even got to fight for real but you know during those minutes,between fists and kicks we say all we have in mind and on our hearts..and after the fight ends after several hours,a day or two...we move on..that's how boys deal with a fight in a friendship...i don't suggest that you girls should start fighting( a fight between two girls is lack strength) just have to find other way of dealing with things like this .
About your opinion is that "X" really wanted "Z" (I hope it's a hot chick *_*) he should have fought for her (not necessarily with fist..still...we are leaving in a modern era^^)...well I hope you didn't get mad about my comment^^
multzam ce m-as supara?
te-am pupat mah pitic
X asta fie sufera de un orgoliu imens, fie e prea timid.
Iar daca Z s-a combinat cu Y si W, clar numa prietenie nu e in gasca lor.. iubire nici atat.
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